OFFICIAL ROBOT FIGHTING LEAGUEThis was made during a school project which allows a group of students to make a game in 14 days. The assignment was to deliver a finished and polished game.
Official Robot Fighting League (ORFL) is a two player beat 'm up in which players select their special attacks and ability instead of their character. Players can also visually customize their character. The game is design to play with two controllers. Development time: 14 days Engine: Unity Team Members
Team Lead: Maurits Laanbroek Design Lead: Bart Vossen ex Design Lead: Tom Prinsen Tech Lead: Jordy Ruiter Programmer: Willem Kalverda Programmer: Alexey Vasilyev Programmer: Kevin Bongers Art Lead: Matthijs Kooiker ex Art Lead: Dimitri Shimanovskiy Artist: Robert Duursem Artist: Achraf Cherabi |
Trailer by Ashraf Cherabi
My Contribution
As a designer I worked on:
I became the design lead after the original design lead left the team halfway the project. From that point onwards I was also responsible for clearly communicating the design to the rest of the team. As design lead I also did all presentations for the lecturers. Design Document available on request. |